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September 25, 2011

Bubbles Galore

7:12 PM Posted by Unknown
I hope everyone took advantage of the free museums today. I was hunkered down at Laguna Gloria being a volunteer for the day, so my only experience is of bubbles, bubbles, and more bubbles.

The house museum itself is lovely, with stunningly beautiful grounds that overlook the river and fetch a nice breeze off the water; however, in 100 degree temperatures, even a breeze is no relief. I was a ball of sweat all day.

I spent my afternoon outside with the bubble station where kids got to witness the Bubble Chef in all her glory create fabulously intricate bubbles: bubbles filled with smoke, cube bubbles, massive bubbles...basically any bubble imaginable. Those bubbles were cool. A word of warning: the Bubble Lady was either off her game today, extremely stressed, or she is not good with people. We quickly learned that the Bubble Lady had an attitude this afternoon. My favorite quote: "No, there are no more shows. As the sign clearly reads, the last one just ended." I think its safe to say she won't be appearing anywhere near AMOA ever again, despite her neat bubble tricks.

While my Austin Museum Day did not consist of art galore, it was a pleasant afternoon (despite the Bubble Lady's attitude). Every time I've volunteered in new situations or with new organizations, I've met interesting, nice people who are volunteering alongside me. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people.

OH! I almost forgot...Strawberry Basil Smoothies?! Thank the gods-that-be someone thought to put those together - it's damn good.